MCCentral Wiki
This is an article about a map

Fortress was one of the Skywars maps on Minecraft Central. The release date of this map is unknown. It was created by FlameSkroll, TobyWarren2000 and CH33ZE_POW3R. It was removed during the August Map Update on the 22nd of August 2017.


The map consisted of 12 individual islands and a middle island. The individual islands had a tower, a tree and a cave where the players could get ores from. The tower had a ladder that lead on top of it.

Fortress Individual

The middle island had a building with chests and a crafting table in the middle. There were also furnaces and anvils scattered on the middle island. The island had a lower floor with 2 enchanting tables that were surrounded by bookshelves. There were 4 extra chests on this map, along with 2 enchanting tables.
